Gift Shop

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The OPS Museum Gift Shop is a popular destination for perusing and purchasing items related to Ocracoke history. Here you will find an assortment of music, photographs, postcards, cookbooks and books of local interest, as well as various other mementoes.

Gift Shop Volunteers

As always, we are looking for new and returning volunteers to staff the gift shop. Please contact our Gift Shop Manager, DeAnna Locke, if you are interested and available to assist.

A huge thank you to the wonderful volunteer workers who manned the gift shop during the 2010 season, answered thousands of questions and kept on smiling every day:

Ralph Buxton, Jen Esham, Felicity Gage, Eleanor Garrish, Cindy Hichens, Bill Jones, James Looney, Leslie Monticone, Jim Pierson, Joyce Reynolds, Ursula Shears, Robin Turner, Phyllis Wall, Rosemary Wetherill and Jude Wheeler

Gift Shop Hours

Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 4:00
Saturday, 11:00 - 4:00
Closing for the winter on Saturday, November 26.

Will re-open April.

Internet shopping open 24/7.

Click here to Shop Online